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During 2023, the focus of PM Group's Women’s Network has been on providing members with tailored mentoring on topics chosen by themselves.

Since the launch of the mentoring circles initiative earlier this year, 12 sessions have been held with 6 groups discussing and reflecting on the topic of ‘Assertiveness’.

At these sessions, male and female mentor pairings from across the business provided informal mentoring and advice on assertiveness to small groups from the Women’s Network. The circles were well received, with the majority of participants saying they would participate in this initiative again. All those who provided feedback would recommend the circles to a colleague.

The success of the first set of circles has paved the way for future sessions. Mentoring circles on ‘Negotiation Skills’ have recently been launched and will run throughout the remainder of this year.

Some participant feedback:

 “The mentors were very open and frank about their own experiences, and gave good advice.”

“Very well organized and it felt like a safe space to discuss topics.”

“A small group and informal, so I felt confident to speak and I got good opportunities to ask several questions. I got very valuable advice from mentors”

“The openness of the participants was great. Their willingness to get involved, to speak about personal experiences and share their thoughts made it a learning experience for everyone.”