Our environmental services are comprehensive. They are designed to support environmental requirements, issues and opportunities associated with your project.
Planning, Permitting and Environmental Impact Assessments
From the earliest stages of your project, we will help you to understand the full impact, risks, constraints and opportunities of a development or acquisition.
We integrate this into our approach to:
- Due diligence assessments
- Site selection and master planning
- Environmental impact assessment and management (biodiversity, noise, air emissions, water, resources and waste)
- Permitting applications and compliance
- Community engagement
It is important to ensure that a design presents the best possible environmental outcomes and meets all relevant statutory requirements, while achieving strong sustainable development goals.
We work with you to identify solutions that enhance the biodiversity value in your project
Nature and biodiversity
Biodiversity is vital for sustaining life itself. We will work with you to identify and implement solutions to enhance the biodiversity value in your project.

Preparation, auditing and due diligence
We can support you and your team in developing and implementing Environmental Management Systems based on or certified to ISO 14001, ISO 50001, etc. We can also audit your systems for compliance with these standards.

Construction environmental compliance
To ensure your project is compliant with all relevant environmental statutory, planning and permitting requirements as well as best practice guidelines, we implement all necessary mitigation and monitoring measures during construction.

Want to know more about our Environmental services? Talk to our experts.
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